Simon Wood is an ex-racecar driver, a licensed pilot and occasional PI. He was born and raised in the UK, but moved to the US 13 years ago after falling for an American girl. That move changed more than his martial status. It changed his career from engineering to writing. With his first publication in 2000, he hasn’t looked back. He’s the author of a dozen books. His short fiction has garnered him an Anthony Award and a CWA Dagger Award nomination, as well as several readers’ choice awards. Curious people can learn more at his author page.
Here you can read The Taskmasters, from his short story collection, Asking for Trouble
Books by Simon Wood
--Todd Collins has failed in every job he's ever undertaken, but that all changes when he backs his jalopy in a shiny, new Porsche belonging to a drug dealer. When the police stop the drug dealer for a broken taillight that Todd has caused and discover a cocaine shipment, a West Coast kingpin holds Todd responsible. On the run from organized crime, Todd discovers his true calling.
--San Francisco Detective Larry Hayes thinks he's hit bottom when he wakes up in an alley after a bad trip with no memory of the last four hours. This is only the beginning of his problems. Two blocks away, Hayes' informant, a homeless man named Noble Jon, lies dead, beaten and stabbed. The eerie pangs of guilt seep into Hayes. Is he Jon's killer? The mounting evidence says so. Hayes mounts his own investigation to stay one step ahead of murder charge and disappears amongst the city's homeless community.
--The workplace is a dangerous place. The unscrupulous are primed and ready to take advantage of the innocent and naïve. A slight indiscretion can cost the employee everything. A new position can turn a person into someone they are not. Those at the top can be toppled and those at the bottom can be crushed.
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